Waiting on the corner for a car, she had seen him first, and noted the eager, hungry lines of his face and the desperate, worried look of his eyes. 她是在一个转弯处等车,首先看见了他,并注意到了他脸上那急切的饥饿的皱纹和眼里那绝望的焦急的神色。
Larson, also known as Dr Queue, is an expert on waiting lines. 拉森是知名的排队研究专家,被称为排队博士。
The sight of people waiting in long lines for shops to open on the morning after Thanksgiving Day is quite normal. 感恩节过后,人们一大早大排长龙等待店铺开门的场景随处可见。
How would you like to put in full-time hours at your job, work hard to perform your job well, manage your household, and yet still spend time waiting in lines for general assistance and charity to pay for your basic expenses, including food and heat? 你喜欢全职工作吗,喜欢努力做好自己的工作吗,喜欢处理家务吗,还是喜欢排队等待一般救助和等待慈善机构来为你支付诸如食物和取暖之类的基本费用吗?
The video crew sent shots of cars waiting in gas lines and, separately, pictures of buses. 录相组发来小汽车排队等候加油的镜头,又另外发来公共汽车的图像。
Once they arrived at the hospital, long waiting lines for registration in the clinics poses another major problem for them. 即使他们到达医院,长时间地排队挂号也成为另一个问题。
Afterward, both women got hugs, signed autographs and shook hands with people waiting in long lines. 礼拜过后,她们互相拥抱,给排长队等候的人们签名并握手。